Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy Tax Day!

If you've read any of the previous things I've posted, you'll know that life has been a bit difficult to plan since Wesley left in October.  I was blessed to be able to go out and visit him over Christmas, and he was able to come out to California for Easter a few weeks ago. We still don't know when he may be able to come back, and there's always the possibility that he could be sent somewhere else at almost any time.

With that in mind (as well as the fact that I plan on heading out to be where he is after the school year is over, regardless of if he comes back out here or not), when we had our last counseling session with our pastor we decided to have a legal ceremony to get officially married.  We were grateful that almost all of the wedding party and my parents were able to be there (and the maid of honor brought bubbles!). So .... we're now legally married, and have been since April 15 (Tax Day!! Woo!)!  We are waiting to have our honeymoon and really begin married life together until our friends and family can celebrate our marriage with us, whenever Wes is out here in the next few months.

We appreciate all of your support and encouragement, and are hopeful that we will all be able to celebrate together very soon.  In the meantime, we wanted to share our good news. ;)